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Chelsea* didn’t find out she was pregnant until after her husband’s deployment to South Korea. A Google search for abortion information brought her to our doors. By the time she came to HOPE, she was overcome with emotion and couldn’t envision how she could start over with another child. They already had three children and every month was a struggle to make ends meet. After all, she was in her early thirties, and the thought of caring for a newborn felt daunting. She could have an abortion in secret so no one—not even her husband—would have to know.

But there were seeds planted long ago for Chelsea that reminded her that God is all-knowing and all-loving. She hadn’t abided in Him in her adult life, but this was the point she knew that her hope was to cling to Him. After her client consultant shared the Good News, Chelsea rededicated her life to Christ! With a new baby blanket in hand, she asked for an ultrasound to meet her baby for the first time. God gave Chelsea the courage to tell her husband what she wanted to be hidden. They both realized that abortion was not a welcome choice for their family, and they would trust in the Lord every step of the way.

If Chelsea hadn’t found herself at HOPE, there’s no knowing what she would have decided out of fear, thinking she was alone. Your donations provide a refuge for families who have forgotten or have never experienced the hope of Jesus and His gift of life. We thank God for you daily!

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