Pastors & Church Leaders are invited to join Making Life Disciples Community
The Church is the Pro-Life Movement
Women and men who walk through the doors at Hope are entering a mission field. Every day, God uses Church families like yours as co-laborers to bring this light into families facing some of their darkest moments.
The Church has a crucial role in this mission. If you feel led to play a bigger part, we would love to connect and explore how your unique gifts and resources can be used for His glory. Here are some of the ways your church can partner with Hope:
Preaching the sanctity of life and drawing attention to the spiritual and physical needs of those facing unplanned pregnancy.
Becoming a one-time or monthly Church partner as part of its Missions or Benevolence fund
Sponsoring a table at the annual banquet and encouraging patrons to share in the mission of Hope.
Providing material support to new parents by collecting diapers, wipes, baby formula, clothing and other baby essentials.
Rallying your small group or fellow congregants to take part in Baby Bottle Boomerang
Inviting a Hope representative to speak to your small group, congregations, Elders or Missions committee
Ready to make a difference? Let's connect and explore how God can use your church can help share the love of Christ when it’s most critical.
Church Interest Form
CareNet's Making Life Disciples is a tool for Churches to get engaged with pregnancy resource centers.
Making Life Disciples Brochure
Join CareNet's Bi-Monthly Call
The Alternative to Abortion: Why We Must Be Pro-Abundant Life. Book launch video