share your time
& talents.
If God has put this ministry on your heart, He has equipped you to utilize your spiritual gifts to lend your time, talents, or treasure. Visit our Volunteer page below for details.
Church Groups
If your church congregation, small group, or civic group are interested in serving through a workday or donation drive, get in touch with someone on the HOPE team who can help with ideas and direction.
Donation Drives & Virtual Baby Shower Gifts
We are always in need of baby essentials such as diapers, formula, and car seats. If you would like to sponsor a donation drive on behalf of your family or small group (or just feel led to give yourself!) here are some online options for you.
share your treasures.
The gifts of the time, talent, and treasure of the Church from individuals, families, and local businesses are how God sustains this ministry.
Please consider a tax-deductible gift to further the life-saving work of HOPE Pregnancy Center. We understand this ministry belongs to the Body of Christ, and we strive to be good stewards of the financial gifts we receive.