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Writer's pictureHOPE Pregnancy Center

Bringing Light

Kendra reluctantly accepted an invite to a party at the house of a work acquaintance. Lockdowns were just ending, and she was desperate to be around people. Maybe these strangers could even become friends.

Her next memory is waking up in a pitch-black room— with no clothes on. Frantic by the realization that she had been drugged and likely raped, she fumbles for her clothing and flees the house with the perpetrator or perpetrators still inside. She thought she could keep this traumatic encounter a secret until she started to experience pregnancy symptoms.

Kendra is a Christian, but abortion was on her mind when she came to HOPE. She had always been against it, but the horror and shame that she experienced made the temptation overwhelming. She said talking to her client consultant gave her clarity that aborting her child would be an evil unto itself. To Kendra’s surprise, there was an outpouring of love from her mom after seeing her baby’s first ultrasound photo. This little girl was theirs.

We can’t undo the pains that are inflicted on our clients from being in a dark and fallen world. We can point to the Light of Christ and let her know she’s not alone. Your financial faithfulness to this ministry gives her courage to choose life for a child whose innocence will bring her extraordinary joy.

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